Menaxhimi i ngjarjeve te mouse-it

•        Nderfaqja MouseMotionListener

–    mouseDragged() dhe mouseMoved()

•     Percakton nese mouse po leviz ose po zhvendoset mbi nje komponent te caktuar

•        Nderfaqja MouseListener

–    mousePressed(), mouseClicked(), dhe mouseReleased()

•     Metodat analoge te ngjarjeve te tastieres

–    mouseEntered() dhe mouseExited()

•        tregojne nese mouse ka hyre brenda nje komponenti ose ka dale jashte tij.

•        Nderfaqja MouseInputListener

–    Implementon te gjitha metodat ne nderfaqet  MouseListener dhe MouseMotionListener

–    Nuk ka metoda te vetat

–    Menaxhon tipe te ndryshme ngjarjesh te mouse-it

•        MouseEvent

–    Tipi i ngjarjeve te gjeneruar nga manipulimi i mouse

–    Permban metoda dhe fusha instance

•     Te perdorshme per pershkrimin e ngjarjeve te gjeneruara nga mouse



     import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class JMouseActionFrame extends JFrame implements MouseListener
   private int x, y;
   private JLabel label= new JLabel("Do something with the mouse");
   String msg = "";

   public JMouseActionFrame()
      setTitle("Mouse Actions");
      setLayout(new FlowLayout());

   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
      int whichButton = e.getButton();
      msg = "You pressed mouse ";
      if(whichButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1)
         msg += "button 1.";
         if(whichButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON2)
            msg += "button 2.";
            msg += "button 3.";
      msg += " You are at position " +
         e.getX() + ", " + e.getY() + ".";
      if(e.getClickCount() == 2)
         msg += " You double-clicked.";
         msg += " You single-clicked.";
   public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
       msg = "You entered the frame.";
   public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
       msg = "You exited the frame.";

   public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

   public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)

   public static void main(String[] args)
      JMouseActionFrame mFrame = new JMouseActionFrame();
      final int WIDTH = 750;
      final int HEIGHT = 300;
      mFrame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);